Prof. Stephan Manning
Welcome to my personal website! I am Professor of Strategy and Innovation at the University of Sussex and a hobby filmmaker and film producer. My research focuses on the role of business in economic development and social change. I am interested in various themes, such as social innovation and entrepreneurship, global value chains and responses to global challenges. Guess what the background image at the top shows? It is related to one of my initiatives. To learn more about me, my thematic interests, my films, publications, blogs, and events please browse my website. Feel free to contact me! Enjoy exploring! Have a good day!
Selected blog posts
Since 2012, I have published several blog articles on different topics - sustainability, migration, global challenges, automation, global outsourcing etc. I have used different blog platforms for this, including The Conversation, The Broker, and Organizations and Social Change. In addition I have written blogs on movies, culture & identity, activism, mind & body, which were posted on related blog sites. Check out a selection of blog posts on this website. In 2024, I also opened my own Youtube Channel to publish video essays as well as my own films. Check it out! Enjoy!
Thanks for visiting my website!
Please feel free to contact me if you have any comments or questions, or if you like to get in touch on interesting projects that are related to my interests. To do so, you may either use the contact form on the right or you can get in touch on LinkedIn, Facebook or through my institutional website/email. Have a good day!
Check out my Youtube Channel and my profile on LinkedIn, Facebook and University of Sussex.
Email: s.d.manning@sussex.ac.uk
Postal address:
Stephan Manning
Professor of Strategy and Innovation
University of Sussex Business School
Brighton BN1 9SL, United Kingdom