Theme 1: Responses to Global Challenges
In this area, I have published with Juliane Reinecke, Oliver von Hagen, David Levy and other colleagues about how businesses, non-governmental organizations and development agencies have jointly contributed to addressing global challenges and to making business practices more socially and environmentally sustainable. Initially my main focus were sustainability standards in coffee. More recently, I have also published on other global challenges, such as cross-disciplinary communication, and I have started exploring the role of cultural artefacts in stimulating multi-stakeholder processes and social change.
Manning, S., Uygur, Y. 2023. "Transforming Local Communities through Artistic Leadership. How Artists, Communities, and Funders Can Come Together to Effectively Promote Local Change." Stanford Social Innovation Review. [Online Article]
Manning, S., Vavilov, S. 2023. "Global Development Agenda Meets Local Opportunities: The Rise of Development-focused Entrepreneurship Support". Research Policy, 52 (7). [Printed Article].
Davies, A., Manning, S., Soederlund, J. 2018. “When Neighboring Disciplines Fail to Learn From Each Other: The Case of Innovation and Project Management Research”. Research Policy, 47, 965-979. [Printed Article, Working Paper (Free)].
Manning, S., Reinecke, J. 2016. “A Modular Governance Architecture In-The-Making: How Transnational Standard-Setters Govern Sustainability Transitions”. Research Policy, 45 (3), 618-633. [Printed Article, Working Paper (free)].
Levy, D.L., Reinecke, J., Manning, S. 2016. “The Political Dynamics of Sustainable Coffee: Contested Value Regimes and the Transformation of Sustainability”. Journal of Management Studies, 53(3), 364-401. Winner of the 2017 Journal of Management Studies Best Paper Award. [Printed Article, Working Paper (free)].
Manning, S., Roessler, D. 2014. “The Formation of Cross-Sector Development Partnerships: How Bridging Agents Shape Project Agendas and Longer-term Alliances”. Journal of Business Ethics, 123 (3), 527-547. [Printed Article, Working Paper (free)].
Manning, S., Boons, F., Von Hagen, O., Reinecke, J. 2012. “National Contexts Matter: The Co-Evolution of Sustainability Standards in Global Value Chains”. Ecological Economics, 83, 197-209. [Printed Article, Working Paper (free)].
Reinecke, J., Manning, S., Von Hagen, O. 2012. “The Emergence of a Standards Market: Multiplicity of Sustainability Standards in the Global Coffee Industry”. Organization Studies, 33 (5/6), 789-812. [Printed Article, Working Paper (free)].
Manning, S., von Hagen, O. 2010. “Linking Local Experiments to Global Standards: How Project Networks Promote Global Institution-Building“; Scandinavian Journal of Management, 26 (4), 398-416. [Printed Article, Working Paper (free)].
Theme 2: Global Value Chains and Development
In this area, I have published together with Arie Y. Lewin, Marcus Larsen and other colleagues about drivers, models and challenges of global sourcing of knowledge work and business services, and implications in particular for developing countries. More recently, my focus has been on Africa's participation in global value chains.
Manning, S. 2022. "From Mainstream to Niche: How Value Regimes Shift in Emerging Economy Upgrading". Research Policy, forthcoming. [Working Paper (free)]
Manning, S., Richter, C. 2022. "Upgrading Against the Odds: Building Relational Specificity in Strategic Coupling". Journal of International Business Policy, forthcoming. [Working Paper (free)]
Manning, S., Massini, S., Peeters, C., Lewin, A.Y. 2018. “The Changing Rationale for Governance Choices: Early vs. Late Adopters of Global Services Sourcing”. Strategic Management Journal, 39(8), 2303-2334. [Printed Article, Working Paper (free)].
Barnard, H., Cuervo-Cazurra, A., Manning, S. 2017. “Africa business research as a laboratory for theory-building: Extreme conditions, new phenomena and alternative paradigms of social relationships”. Management and Organization Review, 13(3), 467-495. [Printed Article, Working Paper (free)].
Manning, S., Larsen, M.M., Bharati, P. 2015. “Global Delivery Models: The Role of Talent, Speed and Time Zones in the Global Outsourcing Industry”. Journal of International Business Studies, 46 (7), 850-877. [Printed Article, Working Paper (free)].
Larsen, M.M., Manning, S., Pedersen, T. 2013. “Uncovering the Hidden Costs of Offshoring: The Interplay of Complexity, Organizational Design and Experience”. Strategic Management Journal, 34, 533-552. Winner of the 2016 Emerald Management Reviews Citation of Excellence Award. [Printed Article, Working Paper (free)].
Manning, S. 2013. “New Silicon Valleys or a New Species? Commoditization of Knowledge Work and the Rise of Knowledge Services Clusters”. Research Policy, 42, 379-390. [Printed Article, Working Paper (free)].
Manning, S., Massini, S., Lewin, A.Y. 2008. ”A Dynamic Perspective on Next-Generation Offshoring: The Global Sourcing of Science and Engineering Talent”; Academy of Management Perspectives, 22 (3), 35-54. Winner of the 2012 Emerald Management Reviews Citation of Excellence Award and 2013 Academy of Management Perspectives Impact Award. [Printed Article, Working Paper (free)].
Theme 3: Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship
In this area, I have published together with Chacko G. Kannothra, Nardia Haigh and other colleagues about new forms of social entrepreneurship, e.g. based on the case of impact sourcing. I have also studied and published on entrepreneurs in project businesses, e.g. research, film, consulting, and the development of project network organizations. Most recently, I have been also interested in how filmmakers and scholars can become social impact entrepreneurs.
Manning, S. 2023. "Creating Powerful Stories: What Scholars Can Learn from Filmmakers". Journal of Management Studies (forthcoming). [Open Access]
Manning, S., Rauch, M., Vavilov, S. 2022. "Creating Complementarities: How Entrepreneurs Mobilize Crowdfunding and Local Ecosystems". Strategic Organization (forthcoming). [Working Paper (free)].
Manning, S., Vavilov, S. 2022. "Organizing Projects for Social Innovation". In: Davies, A., Lenfle, S., Loch, C., Midler, C. (Eds.): Handbook of Innovation and Project Management. Elgar. [Working Paper (free)].
Kannothra, C.G.; Manning, S.; Haigh, N. 2018. “How Hybrids Manage Growth and Social-Business Tensions in Global Supply Chains: The Case of Impact Sourcing”. Journal of Business Ethics, 148(2), 271-290. [Printed Article, Working Paper (free)].
Manning, S., Kannothra, C.G., Wissman-Weber, N. 2017. ”The strategic potential of community-based hybrid models: The case of global business services in Africa”. Global Strategy Journal, 7, 125-149. [Printed Article, Working Paper (free)].
Manning, S.; Bejarano, T.A. 2017. “Convincing the Crowd: Entrepreneurial Storytelling in Crowdfunding Campaigns”. Strategic Organization, 15 (2), 194-219. [Printed Article, Working Paper (free)].
Manning, S. 2017. “The Rise of Project Network Organizations: Building Core Teams and Flexible Partner Pools for Interorganizational Projects”. Research Policy, 46, 1399-1415. [Printed Article, Working Paper (free)].
Manning, S. 2010. “The Strategic Formation of Project Networks: A Relational Practice Perspective”; Human Relations, 63 (4), 551-573. [Printed Article, Working Paper (free)].
For more publications please see here. For free downloads of working paper versions go to Academia.edu or SSRN.
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